Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Recent News: Horse Tripping

Why is this allowed? How is this considered Entertainment? It disappoints me to learn that horse tripping is still practiced today on a global level. Cowboys or better known as Charros practice horse tripping as a sport in mexico and are awarded points for the time it takes to trip a horse in an enclosed ring. The faster the Charro trips the horse, the more points he is awarded. Not only are the horses tripped in this cruel sport, but they are also released into the ring after being cattle prodded, which causes the horse to spook violently in a state of shock. This sport has started to move into the U.S. in some western states and has been practiced during various rodeos. Not only does this sport contribute to the cruelties that horses already experience through film and entertainment, but it ultimately is a contribution to nearby slaughter houses which take in these injured animals to be killed. Below is a SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness) video created a year ago of a horse tripping incident in southeastern oregon last year in which a cowboy trips a horse resulting in breaking the horse's leg. 
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