Sunday, May 26, 2013

The man Behind the Stall Doors

Luis Garcia, a groom, was my last phone interview in regards to human and horse relationships.  It was quite apparent that it is difficult for him to separate his emotions and forming a strong bond with these animals due to the nature of his job and the amount of time he spends with these animals.  "Part of my job description is to get to know these animals personalities, their likes and dislikes, habits and develop ways to soothe and keep horse calm before a race. He admits that he is the exception.  There are many grooms that mistreat their horses due to lack of patience and respect for the animal.  "Many race horses are treated like machines and they merely go through the motions of grooming and caring for them.  It is heartbreaking when a horse is claimed or sent to the slaughter house because they are no longer an asset.  It never is easy, you just have to accept it as part of the business in the racing industry."

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